What day is today?
It is a normal studying day: studying, eating, and exercise.
On my way to walk around Cintra Park, I choiced different way back to hall.
Walk through park, go along junior school just in front of gate........
It seems something moving on the other side of the gate.
I turn back to take a look.
It is a fox with golden hair.
It might be shock by me or try to avoid me and it kept its action and stands there......
Ha.... you did not move did not means that I can not see you......
Turly, I am shocked by it. This is my first time to see the "real" and "alive" and "moving" fox.
About 3 seconds, I try to get closer to the gate and I can make sure it.
The fox start moving and disappear in front me in another 2 seconds.
At this moment, I remember the description from friends who just saw fox last weeks.
Fox looks like "a little bit like dog"---but smaller and it has a fat and long tail.
Yes.... when the fox try to running away from my view, I saw the fat and long tail.
Wa.... today is an amazing day..... today is my first day to see the real fox......

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